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Electromagnetics Blog Posts

Simulation Paves the Way for More Efficient OLED Devices

April 7, 2016

To study light loss in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), researchers from Konica Minolta Laboratory turned to COMSOL Multiphysics®. Get the full story.

Simulating Holographic Data Storage in COMSOL Multiphysics

April 5, 2016

Get a demonstration of how to use COMSOL Multiphysics® to simulate holograms in a wide spectrum of optical and numerical techniques. Part 1 of a 2-part series.

How to Create Outstanding Sound Performance in Vehicles

April 4, 2016

Just because you’re in a car, doesn’t mean the sound quality should be subpar. A guest blogger demonstrates how to use acoustics simulation to optimize sound performance in vehicles.

Modeling Thermal Ablation for Material Removal

March 30, 2016

When certain materials are heated to a certain point, they go directly from the solid to the gas phase in a process called ablation. Learn how to model the thermal ablation process here.

How to Choose Between Boundary Conditions for Coil Modeling

March 22, 2016

3 approaches for truncating a domain when modeling an EM coil in free space: the Magnetic Insulation and Perfect Magnetic Conductor boundary conditions as well as the infinite element domain.

Accessing External Material Models for Magnetic Simulations

March 10, 2016

Get a demonstration of how access external material models for EM simulations with a hysteresis example. Plus, get an overview of the available functionality for modeling ferromagnetic materials.

Modeling Coils in the AC/DC Module

March 3, 2016

A key concept when it comes to coil modeling is closing the current loop. Learn how to do so when modeling coils using the AC/DC Module and COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Control Current and Voltage Sources with the AC/DC Module

February 25, 2016

Did you know that you can use the Terminal boundary condition to dynamically switch between excitation types during a transient simulation? This is useful for modeling power supply, for example.