Fluid & Heat Blog Posts

Which Radiation Interface Should I Use for My Heat Transfer Model?
Compared to the mechanisms of heat transfer by conduction and convection, heat transfer by radiation has unique characteristics. How should you account for radiation in your heat transfer models?

Designing District Heating Networks Using Topology Optimization
District heating networks help power plants reach high efficiencies by utilizing cogeneration, which is especially helpful in the winter. How does topology optimization fit in? Keep reading…

How to Analyze Turbomolecular Pumps with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Modeling gas flow in a turbomolecular pump calls for specialized numerical methods, because at such low pressures, the gas molecules rarely collide with each other.

What Formulation Should I Use for Particle Tracing in Fluids?
The COMSOL® software gives you 4 equation formulation options when modeling particle tracing in fluids: Newtonian; Newtonian, first order; Newtonian, ignore inertial terms; and Massless.

Modeling Droplet Flow in an Open Space with COMSOL Multiphysics®
If you are jogging six feet apart from someone else, should you both be wearing masks? Simulation was used to analyze the motion of particles between two runners in an open space to find answers.

Designing Inductors with a Simulation App at Bombardier Transportation
Every day, 500 million passengers in 200 cities and 60 countries ride a train featuring Bombardier Transportation products. See how apps help speed up the design process for a train component…

Course: Modeling Joule Heating with Thermal Expansion
Get an overview of the course on Joule heating and thermal expansion. Plus, access supporting material.

How Does This Lip Gloss Appear to Defy Gravity?
We attempt to explain a mysterious, gravity-defying phenomenon involving a viral video, dielectric materials, electrostatics, and lip gloss.