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General Blog Posts

App: Ensuring the Efficiency of an Absorptive Muffler Design

December 30, 2015

We discuss a simulation app that lets engineers easily modify the dimensions of an absorptive muffler design, its ambient working conditions, and the material properties of the porous liner.

Designing New Structures with Shape Optimization

December 29, 2015

Get a comprehensive background on using shape optimization to design new structures, with the example of a classical beam thickness problem.

Changing the Dimensions of a Model Using Shape Optimization

December 24, 2015

If your model has a single objective function to be improved, a set of geometric parameters to be changed, and a set of constraints, you can find the optimal structure without any remeshing.

TNO Advances Virtual Material Design in 3D Printing

December 23, 2015

Researchers at the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) are investigating how 3D printing can be applied to material design. Get the full story.

Testing the Safety of Reinforced Concrete Beams with an App

December 17, 2015

The Parameterized Concrete Beam demo app is based on a model of a reinforced concrete beam. It can be used to easily compute the beam’s deflection and axial stress over a range of parameters.

COMSOL Server™ Version 5.2 Supports Faster, Focused Apps

December 15, 2015

As of version 5.2 of the COMSOL® software, there are major improvements to COMSOL Server™: launch apps much faster and configure the browser to run only one dedicated app.

Parade Technologies Improves Workflow Efficiency with Apps

December 14, 2015

Researchers at Parade Technologies create simulation apps and distribute them to colleagues — saving time and more effectively communicating with their customers as a result.

Use Editor Tools to Simplify Your App-Building Process

December 8, 2015

Get a demonstration of how to create an app using a simple simulation example, as well as how to perform common user interface creation tasks more easily in the Application Builder.