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New Release: COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 5.2
It’s here! COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.2 brings a number of upgrades to the Application Builder, COMSOL Server™, and other products in the COMSOL® software suite.

Analyzing Forced Duffing Oscillations in Metal-Halide Lamps
2 independent researchers share insight into how they are optimizing the performance of metal-halide lamps using multiphysics simulation. Read the full story here >>

COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble Award Winners
The COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble featured more than 230 presentations. Best Paper and Best Poster awards were given to 5 participants, with an additional award chosen by conference attendees.

Studying a Dielectric Probe Used for Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Noninvasive tools like dielectric probes are a promising method for diagnosing skin cancer as early as possible. Learn about how simulation can be used to analyze their functionality and safety.

Simulating Acoustic Transfer Paths for Active Noise Control
A guest blogger from the FH Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences discusses simulating acoustic transfer paths with COMSOL Multiphysics® to mitigate noise in machinery designs.

Simulating the Art of Swing Bowling in Cricket
The swing bowling move in cricket is as much an art form as it is an athletic feat. Researchers at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston simulated the fluid mechanics of conventional swing bowling.

Designing a More Efficient Disk-Stack Heat Sink with Simulation
Thermal modeling is a powerful tool for analyzing the efficiency of heat sink designs. We demonstrate with a disk-stack heat sink example.

Why Wolfspeed Builds Apps with COMSOL Multiphysics
Engineers at Wolfspeed used the Application Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics® to optimize their development of wide bandgap semiconductors for silicon chips.

Photos from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble
The COMSOL Conference 2015 Grenoble brought together more than 300 engineers, researchers, and scientists. Take a look at this gallery of photos from the event. Can you spot yourself?

Industry Talks from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston
GrafTech Innovation and Technology Center, Huawei Canada Research Centre, and AltaSim Technologies shared how they are using multiphysics simulation at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston.

Fraunhofer ISE Simulates a Solar Heating and Cooling System
To develop adsorption-based systems that run on solar energy, natural gas, and industrial waste, researchers at Fraunhofer ISE turned to multiphysics simulation.

Photos from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston
The COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston brought together simulation engineers for training, presentations, industry talks, and more. Check out photos from the event and see if you can find yourself!

Happy Birthday, Clinton Davisson
Clinton Davisson is best known for his discovery of electron diffraction through the Davisson–Germer experiment. Learn more about the life and work of this American physicist >>

Investigating Wireless Power Transfer with Simulation
Some wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies must be oriented in a certain way to ensure proper performance. Simulation can be used to study and optimize these devices.

How to Solve for the Brachistochrone Curve Between Points
See how to use built-in mathematical expressions, the Optimization Module, and COMSOL Multiphysics® to solve for the brachistochrone curve.

Exploring the Venturi Effect
The Venturi effect: As a fluid flows through a constructed area of a pipe, its velocity increases and its static pressure decreases. Learn more about this effect and its application areas.

COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston Award Winners
Topics of the award-winning papers and posters from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston include everything from food science and electronic devices to plasma research and IED detection.

Methods for Evaluating Mass and Energy Conservation
Ever wonder how to compute the mass conservation of a fluid flow simulation, or the energy balance of a conjugate heat transfer simulation? If so, keep reading >>

Modeling Acoustic Orbital Angular Momentum
Get an introduction to acoustic orbital angular momentum and a demonstration of how to model it. Parr 2 of a blog series on modeling acoustophoretic forces.

Using Simulation to Analyze Arterial Wall Mechanics
Studying arteries from a mechanical standpoint requires a reliable model that can fully describe the anisotropic nonlinear response of this biological soft tissue.

Modeling Microresonators with Electrostatic Actuation
Learn how to model electrostatically actuated MEMS resonators and get an intro to terms such as equilibrium point, pull-in, pull-in voltage, and time harmonic response of a biased resonator.

Corrosion in Oil Platforms
The offshore oil industry is plagued by a persistent and costly problem: Corrosion in oil platforms can lead to damage and failure of the structure, loss of business, and even onsite accidents.

Modeling Linear Motors or Generators in COMSOL Multiphysics
We demonstrate how to customize a linear periodic boundary condition to model linear motors and generators in COMSOL Multiphysics®, with an example of a tubular generator used for wave energy.

Part 2: Mapping Variables with General Extrusion Operators
Learn how to use the General Extrusion operators, which are designed to handle nonlinear mappings and the mapping of variables between geometric entities of different dimensions. Part 2 of 2.