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Blog Posts Tagged Technical Content

Model Translational Motion with the Deformed Mesh Interfaces

September 4, 2015

2 interfaces for manually defining the deformation of finite element mesh: Deformed Geometry and Moving Mesh. Learn when and how to use each in this blog post…

Improving Your Meshing with Swept Meshes

September 2, 2015

Get a demonstration of using swept meshing to generate efficient and accurate finite element meshes for some common modeling cases, such as calculating the fluid flow through a network of pipes.

How to Organize Your Simulation App Using Subforms

September 1, 2015

It is important that simulation apps are as organized as possible for ease of use. Learn how to create organized apps in COMSOL Multiphysics® by using subforms and form collections.

The Physics of Tennis Racket Sweet Spots

August 27, 2015

Whether you’re a tennis pro or new to the courts, you might enjoy this blog post examining the physics behind the “sweet spots” of a tennis racket.

How to Implement a Point Source with the Weak Form

August 24, 2015

Learn how to implement a point source with the weak form in the COMSOL® software. Part 2 of a blog series discussing the weak formulation.

How to Build an App from a COMSOL Multiphysics® Model

August 18, 2015

Get a brief intro to building a simulation app from a COMSOL Multiphysics® model using the Application Builder. Includes a 10-minute step-by-step tutorial video.

Using General Extrusion Operators to Model Periodic Structures

August 11, 2015

If your multiphysics model includes a periodic solution to one physics and nonperiodic solutions to other physics of interest, you can exploit the periodicity to reduce computational requirements!

Computing Design Sensitivities in COMSOL Multiphysics

August 5, 2015

You can compute design sensitivities via the core functionality of COMSOL Multiphysics®. We show you how with a parallel plate capacitor example.