Modelling Magnetostriction and defining bias point for AC simulation in Magnetoelectric Antenna Design.

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I am designing a magnetoelectric antenna and need to apply a 20 mT background field to establish a bias point for AC simulation. However, the simulation will not converge in COMSOL 6.0 or 6.3, resulting in various errors and preventing me from achieving any meaningful solution. I don't realize any kind of magnetostriction as well.

A. DC SIMULATION The DC simulation is carried out by the Stationary solver, in which the magnetic physics and solid mechanic physics are coupled in the multiphysics branch in COMSOL. The result of the stationary solver defines the bias point for the magnetostrictive material. In addition, in order to consider the magnetic DC bias we have activated the uniform background magnetic flux density in Magnetic Field physics.

Thank you.


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