La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This model simulates the flow around an inclined NACA 0012 airfoil at different angles of attack using the SST turbulence model. The results show good agreement with the experimental lift data of Ladson and the pressure data of Gregory and O’Reilly. Per saperne di più
This model exemplifies the analysis of strong wind flow around a solar panel and the corresponding structural displacement due to the wind's load. The solar panel is located in an array of equally spaced identical panels, which allows for the assumption that the periodic flow conditions ... Per saperne di più
The level set method is well suited for problems with moving boundaries in which the geometry’s topology changes with time. A bubble of oil that travels up through water and finally merges with oil at the top causes this kind of topology change. For problems where the topology is ... Per saperne di più
Droplet evaporation is ubiquitous in everyday life, and is essential in many industrial processes such as ink-jet printing, cleaning or coating of surfaces, and phase change heat transfer. In this model, a water droplet placed on a solid substrate evaporates in air. We solve the ... Per saperne di più
This example simulates 3D unsteady laminar flow past a cylinder in a channel. The inflow velocity profile is time-varying. The lift and drag coefficients are computed, and results show good agreement with those published in the literature. Per saperne di più
This transient model uses the Two-Phase Flow, Level Set, Laminar Flow interface to model the impact of a water wave on a column. A body of water with a height of 0.3 meters is initially contained behind a gate. At the start of the simulation, the gate is suddenly released and the body of ... Per saperne di più
Emulsions consist of small liquid droplets immersed in an immiscible liquid and widely occur in the production of food, cosmetics, fine chemicals, and pharmaceutical products. The quality of the product is typically dependent on the size of the droplets. Simulating these processes can ... Per saperne di più
In this study, the compressible turbulent flow through a supersonic ejector is modeled using the High Mach Number Flow interface in the CFD Module. Ejectors are simple mechanical components used for a wide range of applications, including industrial refrigeration, vacuum generation, gas ... Per saperne di più
The Ahmed body represents a simplified, ground vehicle geometry of a bluff body type. Its shape is simple enough to allow for accurate flow simulation but retains some important practical features relevant to automobile bodies. This model describes how to calculate the turbulent flow ... Per saperne di più
We present the results from a comparison of the level set, phase field, and moving mesh methods for modeling free liquid surfaces in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. The comparison is carried out using an example problem. The example studies the formation of surface waves ... Per saperne di più