La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This example demonstrates the usage of the Scattered Field formulation to compute the scattering of light off of a single scatterer on top of a dielectric half-space. It uses the analytic Fresnel equations to design the background field. For a detailed introduction to this model, see ... Per saperne di più
A steel ball is pressed down against a rubber membrane. When the contact pressure exceeds a certain value, the two parts start sticking together. When the ball is retracted, the membrane is pulled upwards in the bonded region. During the retraction, the bond is partially broken. This ... Per saperne di più
Electrical components in wireless communication systems are designed to be small and light for portability and productivity while maintaining decent performance and efficiency. Antennas are essential components in mobile devices and are required to fit in the limited space allowed by ... Per saperne di più
A wideband antenna study, such as an S-parameter or far-field pattern analysis, can be obtained by performing a transient response analysis and a time-to-frequency fast Fourier transform (FFT). This model runs a time dependent study first and then transforms the dependent variable, the ... Per saperne di più
The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) plays an important role in the overall behavior of discharges. In this example, the formation period of an Argon plasma is studied with special attention paid to the EEDF. The plasma is created within a 4 cm gap by a DC source voltage of 1 ... Per saperne di più
With an increase in the parallel component of the applied field, carriers can gain energies above the ambient thermal energy and be able to transfer energy gained by the field to the lattice by optical phonon emission. The latter effect leads to a saturation of the carriers mobility. The ... Per saperne di più
A Biconical antenna is a type of wideband antenna with omni-directional radiation pattern in the H-plane similar to a dipole antenna. A coaxial feed is connected to the radiators using two 90 degree bent arms. The model shows that the biconical antenna works well in applications ... Per saperne di più
A homopolar generator is composed of an electrically conductive rotating disc placed in a uniform magnetic field that is perpendicular to the plane of rotation. The motion of the conductor through the static magnetic field induces Lorentz currents in the disc. By connecting the outside ... Per saperne di più
Multiscale modeling is a challenging issue in modern simulation. This occurs when there are vastly different scales in the same model. For example, your cell phone is approximately 10 cm, yet it receives GPS information from satellites 20,000 km away. In these models we examine several ... Per saperne di più
Combinations of optical devices such as polarizers and wave retarders can be used to control the intensity and polarization of transmitted radiation. In this tutorial, two linear polarizers with orthogonal transmission axes are used to reduce the intensity of a ray to zero. Then the ... Per saperne di più