La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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This model solves the Boltzmann equation in two-term approximation for a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen representing a background gas of dry air. Electron transport coefficients and source terms are computed by suitable integration of the electron energy distribution function over ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial model is kindly provided by Riccardo Vietri, James Ransley and Andrew Spann at Veryst Engineering, LLC. Piezoelectric micropumps are frequently used in medical applications because of their ability to precisely control the metering of very small volumes of fluids or gases. ... Per saperne di più
A classic benchmark example in computational electromagnetics is to find the resonant frequency and Q-factor of a cavity with lossy walls. Here, models of rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical cavities are shown to be in agreement with analytic solutions. Per saperne di più
This example demonstrates a benchmark test showing that Electric Currents in Layered Shells physics interface can be used to obtain the same results as when the model is solved with the Electric Currents interface based on a solid 3D structure. Per saperne di più
This tutorial model solves for a one-dimensional capacitively coupled plasma reactor in a mixture of argon/oxygen. Important aspects and strategies for modeling electronegative discharges are discussed. Per saperne di più
A planar dielectric slab waveguide demonstrates the principles behind any kind of dielectric waveguide such as a ridge waveguide or a step-index fiber. This model solves for the effective index and fields of a dielectric slab waveguide and compares the solution to analytic results. Per saperne di più
This app demonstrates the following: Multiple tabs in the ribbon Geometry parts and parameterized geometries Parts and cumulative selections can be used to automatically set domain and boundary settings in the embedded model Adding or removing geometry parts with different geometrical ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of an adapter for microwave propagation in the transition between a rectangular and an elliptical waveguide. Such waveguide adapters are designed to keep energy losses due to reflections at a minimum for the operating frequencies. To investigate the characteristics of the ... Per saperne di più
A Gaussian electromagnetic wave is incident on a dense array of very thin wires (or rods). The distance between the rods and, thus, the rod diameter is much smaller than the wavelength. Under these circumstances, the rod array does not function as a diffraction grating (see the Plasmonic ... Per saperne di più
This example models the desalination of water by capacitive deionization in a "flow-between" cell (fbCDI). The model geometry is in 2D. Steady Brinkman flow, a tertiary current distribution, and the improved modified Donnan description of the deionization process is assumed. Per saperne di più