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A helical antenna has two major modes. One is normal mode and the other is axial mode. When the helical antenna is operating at the normal mode, its far-field radiation pattern is similar to the torus shaped pattern of a classic dipole antenna. At the axial mode, the helical antenna is ... Per saperne di più
Patch antennas are becoming more common in wireless equipment, like wireless LAN access points, cellular phones, and GPS handheld devices. The antennas are small in size and can be manufactured with simple and cost-effective techniques. Due to the complicated relationship between the ... Per saperne di più
The first part of the application computes the modes for a straight step index fiber made of silica glass. In the second part, a step index fiber bend with a 3 mm radius of curvature is analyzed with respect to propagating modes and radiation loss. It is shown how to find the power ... Per saperne di più
This is a model of acoustic absorption by a porous acoustic open cell foam. In porous materials the sound propagates in a network of small interconnected pores. Because the dimensions of the pores are small, losses occur due to thermal conduction and viscous friction. Acoustic foams are ... Per saperne di più
Example of a moving-coil loudspeaker where lumped parameters represent the behavior of the electrical and mechanical components. The Thiele-Small parameters (small-signal parameters) serve as input to the lumped model, which is represented using the Electric Circuit interface. The ... Per saperne di più
This model analyzes the electromagnetic, mechanical, and acoustical characteristics of the OWS-1943T-8CP (discontinued) speaker. Beside certain details, the geometry, material properties, and measurements are copyright by Ole Wolff. Starting from the geometry of the speaker, an ... Per saperne di più
The microstrip patch antenna is used in a wide range of applications since it is easy to design and fabricate. The antenna is attractive due to its low-profile conformal design, relatively low cost and very narrow bandwidth. It is known that the antenna impedance will be higher than an ... Per saperne di più
A spiral slot antenna provides a conformal design and can be used for communication, sensing, tracking, positioning, and many applications in different microwave frequency bands due to its wide-band frequency response. This model shows how to build a spiral geometry using parametric ... Per saperne di più
The Yagi–Uda antenna is designed for a specific Wi-Fi band and can reduce eavesdropping by directing signals with the help of directors. This antenna consists of one uniformly spaced reflector and four directors. Simulated results show a maximum 10 dBi gain and a front-to-back ratio of ... Per saperne di più
Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) resonators can be used as narrow band filters in radio-frequency applications. The chief advantage compared with traditional ceramic electromagnetic resonators is that BAW resonators, thanks to the acoustic wavelength being much smaller than the electromagnetic ... Per saperne di più