Surface Acoustic Wave Scattering Matrix Evaluation Using COMSOL Multiphysics®: Application to Surface Acoustic Wave Transmission Through 2D Surface Phononic Crystal
This contribution is dedicated to numerical analysis of SAW propagation though 2D surface phononic crystal (PnC) and FE method is nowadays one of most common tool for such calculation. The device under investigation consists of two dispersive IDT and lattice of ferromagnetic pillars realized on 128°YX LiNbO3. In addition to dispersion curves calculations this work describes the results of original 3D FE modeling of the electrical properties of such SAW device via evaluation of SAW propagation through observed structure that give quantitative transmission characteristics. We demonstrated that this model permits to evaluate electrical response of PnC based devices. Obtained results show good agreement between band diagram and transmission computations.This model can be used for advance designing of PhC.

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