Scopri come la simulazione multifisica viene utilizzata per ricerca e sviluppo
In questa sezione troverete i lavori presentati alle Conferenze mondiali COMSOL. Le presentazioni descrivono ricerche e prodotti innovativi progettati con COMSOL Multiphysics da colleghi di tutto il mondo. I temi delle ricerche presentate abbracciano un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e aree applicative, in ambito elettrico, meccanico, fluidodinamico e chimico. Lo strumento di Ricerca Rapida vi permetterà di trovare le presentazioni che si riferiscono all'area di vostro interesse.
Visualizza gli articoli presentati alla COMSOL Conference 2020
Whereas some bearings designed in the 19th century are still working properly nowadays, some others which were recently designed encountered premature failures. Tribological applications, such as journal bearings or rolling element bearings, are generally ruled by complicated ... Per saperne di più
The Hyperloop is a concept system targeting passenger transportation aiming to carry people in a pod running in a high vacuum tube at 1200 km/h. In 2015, SpaceX announced that they would sponsor a Hyperloop pod design competition, because of their interest in helping to accelerate the ... Per saperne di più
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. The LHC machine consists on a 27 km circumference tunnel that accelerates and collides proton beams and heavy ions. The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is a project aiming to upgrade the LHC ... Per saperne di più
Template assisted electrodeposition (also known by its german abriviation: LIGA) is a well-known tech-nique to create metallic nano-, and microcomponents. Recent progress in 3D lithography techniques provides tools to create complex 3D templates for electrodeposition in the micro- and ... Per saperne di più
Predicting vibroacoustic performance in buildings in terms of sound insulation is a challenging task. As of today, no widespread standardised accurate method for predicting either impact or airborne sound insulation has been established. Rather, several software relying in the analytical ... Per saperne di più
Air pollution caused by particulate matter (PM) is one of the most severe issues in urban environments. Urban green infrastructure (UGI), in particular green walls, have been proven to be capable of capturing PM via deposition on leaves. This phenomenon was assessed by numerical ... Per saperne di più
Damages caused by lightning overvoltages remains to be an important issue for electrical industry, putting limitations for efficiency of transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Modern solutions for lightning protection such as multichamber arresters (MCA) for overhead ... Per saperne di più
The effect of static magnetic fields (SMF) on living matter such cell cultures and living organisms has been a promising research field. Efforts have been given in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms and interaction between the field and the biological system with its ... Per saperne di più
Several experimental evidences show that macroscopic description of heat transfer phenomena in semiconductors through Fourier law is no longer accurate when the system length and time scales are comparable with the mean free path and relaxation time of the energy carriers (phonons). In ... Per saperne di più
Thawing processes of raw tuna are widely used as a unit operation dedicated to the canning industry. At the industrial scale, the water immersion process remains the main relevant process for thawing large tuna fishes. The fish is then butchered and the flesh obtained is precooked before ... Per saperne di più