Scopri come la simulazione multifisica viene utilizzata per ricerca e sviluppo
In questa sezione troverete i lavori presentati alle Conferenze mondiali COMSOL. Le presentazioni descrivono ricerche e prodotti innovativi progettati con COMSOL Multiphysics da colleghi di tutto il mondo. I temi delle ricerche presentate abbracciano un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e aree applicative, in ambito elettrico, meccanico, fluidodinamico e chimico. Lo strumento di Ricerca Rapida vi permetterà di trovare le presentazioni che si riferiscono all'area di vostro interesse.
Visualizza gli articoli presentati alla COMSOL Conference 2020
Droplet-based microfluidic systems are emerging as an ideal platform for the high-throughput screening of eukaryotic cells aimed to understand the complex, multidimensional, and dynamic biological processes [1]. Here, two aqueous droplets – each containing a eukaryotic cell – suspended ... Per saperne di più
Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) unifies the potential of scanning probe technology with the power of optical microscopy as if like having eyes into the nanoworld. To efficiently channel the illumination light to the tip apex and acquire optical images beyond the diffraction ... Per saperne di più
Helicon Injected Inertial Plasma Electrostatic Rocket (HIIPER) [1] is a plasma thruster being researched at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It has been shown in Figure 1. It involves a helicon source along with an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) chamber. IEC is a fusion ... Per saperne di più
Helicon Injected Inertial Plasma Electrostatic Rocket (HIIPER) [1] is an advanced space propulsion system being studied in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It has been depicted in Figure 1. An experimental setup is already being used to gather dynamics of plasma with the help of ... Per saperne di più
COMSOL® models of basal body deformation using the Beam Interface are compared to electron tomograms of Tetrahymena thermophila basal bodies high-pressure frozen while undergoing beating deformation. This approach provides insight into the nanoscale structures and internal forces ... Per saperne di più
Computational fluid dynamics of particle-laden fluid flows through a 90-degree pipe elbow were completed at Reynolds numbers 1,000 and 10,000; for different elbow curvature ratios of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.5; and for particles with different Stokes numbers of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, and 10.0. ... Per saperne di più
In this study, the proficiency of an external and internally cooled hydride bed was tested. This was conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics® environment utilizing the Heat Transfer Module. This was combined with a custom chemisorption model based on Lototskyy’s Metal hydride isotherm model. ... Per saperne di più
An exciton is a quasiparticle forming in semiconductors when an electron is excited from the valence band into the conduction band, leaving a positive hole behind. Due to the Coulomb interaction between opposite charge particles, the exciton has slightly less energy than the unbound ... Per saperne di più
The Subsurface Flow Module within COMSOL Multiphysics® was utilized to simulate variable saturated subsurface flow for multiple field methods that estimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of the soil. The subsurface flow module implemented the Richards equation with a user ... Per saperne di più
The design of highly-sensitive thermoelectric microfluidic sensors for the characterization of biochemical processes is an important area of engineering research. This study reports three-dimensional numerical analysis of the critical design parameters of a continuous-flow biosensor with ... Per saperne di più