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All posts by Bridget Cunningham

Modeling Ray Propagation in a Newtonian Telescope System

December 5, 2014

Ray optics trivia: The Newtonian telescope, recognized as the earliest operating reflecting telescope, was developed in 1668. Today, simulation can be used to trace rays through this device.

Keynotes from the COMSOL Conference 2014 Boston

December 4, 2014

The COMSOL Conference 2014 Boston featured 2 inspiring keynote presentations with speakers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and WiTricity. Get an overview of what they discussed…

Analyzing Aircraft Engine Noise Through Simulation

November 17, 2014

By modeling flow duct systems in aircraft engines, it is possible to optimize the shape of certain engine duct parts and the lining properties in order to reduce the sound emission.

Meet the Winners of Intel’s Make it Wearable Challenge

November 7, 2014

The winner of Intel’s inaugural Make it Wearable contest in 2014 was Nixie — a small drone that you can wear on your wrist and use to take photos and videos. Learn more about it here.

Synthesizing Graphene with Chemical Vapor Deposition

November 6, 2014

Chemical vapor deposition is an attractive method for producing graphene, an ultrastrong and light polymer material. Researchers from University of Arkansas used simulation to study this process.

Nanodiamonds Shine Brightly in Biomedical Research

October 28, 2014

A nanodiamond might not be ideal for an engagement ring, but these microscopic particles show a potential role in observing and analyzing cell processes. Learn more >>

Modeling Hydrodealkylation in a Membrane Reactor

October 27, 2014

Hydrodealkylation is a hydrogen-intensive process. We demonstrate using the thermodynamics modeling features in the COMSOL® software to analyze this process in a membrane reactor.

Designing Electric Vehicles with Magnetic Cooling Technology

October 21, 2014

Researchers from the National Institute of Applied Science designed a magnetocaloric HVAC system for an electric vehicle using multiphysics simulation. Get the full story >>