All posts by Caty Fairclough

Happy Birthday, Ernst Ruska
Ernst Ruska is an optical engineer from Germany who is known for developing the first electron microscope, earning him a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986.

Advancing Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries with Modeling
The chemical energy in vanadium redox flow batteries is contained in liquid electrolytes and stored in external tanks. They can be used to improve grid energy storage and renewable energy.

3 Examples of Equation-Based Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics®
What are the benefits of using equation-based modeling in your simulations? Here are 3 examples that demonstrate the use of this functionality.

The Internet of Space Takes Off with Advanced Antenna Designs
You’ve heard of the Internet of Things, but what about the Internet of Space, which change how we share information and communicate worldwide. A key aspect of this concept: antenna designs.

Analyzing an Electrodynamic Ion Funnel with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Quadrupole mass filters and ion mobility spectrometers are used to detect explosives, study complex biological molecules, and more. Ion funnels are an important component of these devices.

Happy Birthday, Christian Doppler
The Doppler effect is observed both on Earth (such as the change in pitch when a siren passes you) and in space (such as the red shift of a planet). Learn about this phenomenon’s namesake.

Happy Birthday, Johannes Diderik van der Waals
Johannes Diderik van der Waals made many groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of liquids and gases, but his greatest passion was for education.

Focusing on Einzel Lenses with Particle Tracing Simulation
You can use electrostatics analysis and charged particle tracing to better understand einzel lens systems and optimize their designs.