All posts by Caty Fairclough

Efficiently Analyze Acoustic Streaming with Multiphysics Modeling
Acoustic streaming is when sound waves are used to generate steady fluid motion. You can use multiphysics modeling for an efficiency way to analyze this phenomenon.

Investigating the Behavior of an Ancient Organism with CFD Simulation
Researchers used CFD simulation to study the behavior of an ancient organism called the Parvancorina in order to learn more about the ecosystem of the Ediacaran period, 635–541 million years ago.

Celebrating the Life of Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke was a Renaissance-era scientist who developed a law of elasticity (now called Hooke’s law) and published a well-known textbook on microscopy.

Designing a Butler Matrix Beamforming Network with RF Modeling
Check out a tutorial model with implications in developing the 5G mobile network: Butler matrix beamforming networks, which can be combined with phased array antennas for wireless communication.

Improving Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Efficiency with CFD Simulation
Vertical-axis wind turbines are easier to install and maintain than horizontal-axis devices, but they also have low peak efficiencies and struggle with starting torque. Enter CFD simulation.

Efficiently Optimizing Solar Dish Receiver Designs
By building a simulation application of a solar dish receiver, you can efficiently test different geometries for the dish cavity to determine the optimized shape for your design.

Analyzing the Structural Integrity of an Induction Motor with Simulation
The AC induction motor was invented by either Nikola Tesla or Galileo Ferraris, depending on who you ask. Either way, you can evaluate the structural integrity of this device with simulation.

Analyzing a Silicon Solar Cell Design with the Semiconductor Module
You can model a solar (or photovoltaic) cell consisting of a 1D Si p-n junction using the Semiconductor Module add-on. We feature a tutorial model to provide more details.