All posts by Ed Gonzalez

Introducing the Porous Media Flow Module
June 11, 2020
From multiphase transport and non-Darcian flow to local thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium, we discuss the advanced porous media flow modeling you can do with the Porous Media Flow Module.

How to Model Large-Strain Viscoelasticity in COMSOL Multiphysics®
October 11, 2016
Learn how to model large-strain viscoelastic deformation, a common behavior exhibited by polymers and biological tissues, in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Accessing External Material Models for Structural Mechanics
December 1, 2015
In COMSOL Multiphysics®, you can access not only material models derived from external libraries but also material functions programmed by yourself. We demonstrate with concrete damage model.

Introducing Nonlinear Elastic Materials
January 9, 2015
Examples of nonlinear elastic material models: Ramberg-Osgood, Duncan-Chang, Hardin-Drnevich, Power law, and more. We discuss how to apply nonlinear elastic materials in your analyses.