All posts by Fabio Bocchi

Methods for Evaluating Mass and Energy Conservation
October 14, 2015
Ever wonder how to compute the mass conservation of a fluid flow simulation, or the energy balance of a conjugate heat transfer simulation? If so, keep reading >>

The Physics of Tennis Racket Sweet Spots
August 27, 2015
Whether you’re a tennis pro or new to the courts, you might enjoy this blog post examining the physics behind the “sweet spots” of a tennis racket.

Yield Surfaces and Plastic Flow Rules in Geomechanics
October 16, 2014
Have you noticed that offshore structures are being constructed in deeper and deeper waters? See how geotechnical engineers are using numerical simulations to cope with this trend.

How to Model Residual Stresses Using COMSOL Multiphysics
June 5, 2014
Learn how to compute the residual stresses in your structural mechanics models. To demonstrate, we use the example of a deep metal drawing process. Read on…