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All posts by Fanny Griesmer

Multiphysics Modeling and Standalone Simulation Apps Drive Innovation

November 7, 2023

See why your organization should consider making the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics® part of your R&D workflow.

Validating Transonic Flow Results with the ONERA-M6 Wing Model

March 30, 2023

When using simulation software, your models’ results should accurately reflect the real-world phenomena you are simulating. 1 way to check this is by using a validation model.

10 Real Uses of COMSOL Multiphysics® in the Power Industry

October 16, 2019

Minimizing transformer noise, planning underground cable networks, and managing a power grid. Keep reading for more real-world examples in which simulation is used in the power industry.

Veryst Combines Material Testing and Simulation for Reliable Results

March 11, 2019

Simulation helps companies develop the best designs. Understanding material behavior plays a key role in generating accurate simulations. Here’s how Veryst combines testing and FSI simulation.

Modeling Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Heart Valve

April 25, 2018

The average human heart beats 100,000 times per day, but what if the person has cardiac issues? Modeling fluid-structure interaction in a heart valve can help researchers develop new treatments.

A Simulation Color Table for Engineers with Color Vision Deficiency

December 27, 2017

Simulation results often use color to present data and emphasize certain takeaways, but what about engineers with color vision deficiency? Cividis is a color table designed specially for this.

Keynote Video: Using COMSOL Server™ for Product Development

December 18, 2017

Watch an engineer in the materials science industry discuss the use of simulation applications and COMSOL Server™ to accelerate and optimize his company’s product development workflow.

Have You Heard About the Cocktail Party Problem?

November 7, 2017

You’re at a party with loud music and a ton of people. Despite the noise, you are able to chat with a friend. How is it that you can differentiate his or her voice from all the sounds around you?

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