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Electrochemistry Blog Posts

Modeling Electrochemical Processes in a Solid-State Lithium-Ion Battery

December 7, 2016

Lithium-ion batteries are found in everything from consumer electronics to aerospace technology. We discuss certain design challenges that have emerged over the years.

How to Model Electrochemical Resistance and Capacitance

August 24, 2016

Get an overview of the theory and modeling considerations for resistive and capacitive effects, which are fundamental to the understanding of electrochemical systems.

Building an App to Optimize the Design of an SOFC Stack

August 23, 2016

A guest blogger from resolvent ApS discusses creating a user-friendly simulation app to efficiently analyze a solid oxide fuel cell stack.

The Boundary Element Method Simplifies Corrosion Simulation

February 17, 2016

The boundary element method can be used when simulating corrosion to avoid needing a finite element mesh to resolve the whole 3D structure, saving time for large problems with slender components.

Using Simulation in the Race Against Corrosion

December 28, 2015

A German research institute and a well-known car manufacturer joined forces to investigate the corrosion occurring in automotive rivets and sheet metal. Get the full story.

Modeling Electrochemistry for Managing Diabetes

August 14, 2014

An estimated 350 million people worldwide are living with diabetes. By modeling electrochemical processes, biomedical engineers can analyze and optimize the glucose sensing process.

A Lithium-ion Battery Analysis at INES-CEA

June 27, 2013

During my time as a PhD student, a blue “Chemical Landmark” plaque was fitted to the building a couple of hundred yards down the road from my lab. The plaque commemorates the achievements of the researchers who made the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery viable. Whether or not you know about the electrochemistry of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, you probably rely on one. We carry them around in our phones and laptops, and ride in cars and planes that use them for power. […]

Electrochemistry, from Electroanalysis to Industrial Electrolysis

June 12, 2013

My colleague, Edmund Dickinson, recently blogged about cyclic voltammetry, and how this can be modeled. It was a fantastic blog entry, as it really described the application, and how to implement such models in COMSOL Multiphysics. While Edmund has a background in electroanalysis, where cyclic voltammetry, potentiometry, and electrochemical impedance are important tools, I had a different but similar life before COMSOL, working within industrial electrolysis. For both of us, the new Electrochemistry Module would have been the perfect tool […]