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Chemical Blog Posts

Modeling High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

June 13, 2014

High-performance liquid chromatography involves mixing a solvent from a reservoir with a sample zone containing the analytes to be separated and then pumping the mixture into an injector.

Intro to Corrosion Modeling for the Oil and Gas Industry

May 22, 2014

From impressed cathodic current and anodic protection to sacrificial anodes, there are several ways you can protect structures from corrosion. We discuss some modeling considerations here.

Ammonia Synthesis, a Complex and Nonlinear Process

May 8, 2014

In the final installment of our Chemical Kinetics blog series, we discuss the complex and nonlinear process of synthesizing ammonia. Get an overview of the equations and modeling considerations.

Electroplating: How the U.S. Mint Makes a Penny

April 17, 2014

Did you know that a penny actually doesn’t contain a lot of copper? Learn about how the U.S. Mint makes pennies through the process of electroplating, which can be studied with chemical modeling.

Chemical Parameter Estimation Using COMSOL Multiphysics

April 10, 2014

In this installment of our blog series on chemical kinetics, we discuss how to estimate the chemical parameters of your model in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Enzyme Kinetics, Michaelis-Menten Mechanism

March 13, 2014

For the 100-year anniversary of the Michaelis–Menten mechanism, we honor the trailblazing publication the best way we know how — with simulation.

PEM Fuel Cell Modeling Examples

March 3, 2014

What can you study in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell? Mass transport, ohmic losses, temperature distribution, species transport, serpentine flow…should we keep going?

Buoyancy-Driven μPCR for DNA Amplification

February 26, 2014

True crime + simulation: The more DNA in a sample, the easier it is to accurately test and identify biomolecules, cells, and even an entire person during forensic investigations.