Chemical Blog Posts

Amphos 21: Modeling Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Phenomena
A guest blogger from Amphos 21, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, discusses the company’s iCP technology for modeling coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical phenomena.

A General Introduction to Chemical Kinetics, Arrhenius Law
Countless complications and pitfalls make chemical simulations challenging. Here, we give an introduction to chemical kinetics and Arrhenius law to help >>

Which Current Distribution Interface Do I Use?
See the different current distributions with a wire electrode example to help you choose between the current distribution interfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics® for your electrochemical simulations.

Theory of Current Distribution
Here, we discuss one of the building blocks that make up hybrid parallel computing, namely shared memory computing, as well as when and how to use shared memory with COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Research on Microwave Heating and Chemical Applications
There were many interesting posters at this year’s COMSOL Conference in Boston. A couple that caught my eye involved microwave heating and chemical applications. One of them showcases the use of microwave irradiation to speed up chemical reactions. Another — one of the recipients of the Best Poster award — used simulations to optimize their microreactor design with respect to microwave propagation.

Simulating the Freeze-Drying Process
When thinking about freeze-drying processes, I am reminded of astronaut food like the freeze-dried ice cream I tried as a kid. While this application of freeze-drying is important for preserving food being launched into space, there is also an incredible number of noteworthy applications that are used a little closer to home. Let’s take a look at the freeze-drying process, how it can be simulated, and some of the products and designs that rely on it to function.

A Lithium-ion Battery Analysis at INES-CEA
During my time as a PhD student, a blue “Chemical Landmark” plaque was fitted to the building a couple of hundred yards down the road from my lab. The plaque commemorates the achievements of the researchers who made the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery viable. Whether or not you know about the electrochemistry of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, you probably rely on one. We carry them around in our phones and laptops, and ride in cars and planes that use them for power. […]

Thermal Analysis Measures Blistering Heat
If you roast a turkey for dinner and you need to check the temperature, the technology exists to find it. But what happens if the temperature is so hot that a consumer-grade thermometer, or any man-made device, really, would instantly melt and be destroyed? This might not be a common occurrence in your kitchen, but it is a real concern in blast furnaces, where temperatures can reach close to 1,500°C. Simply guessing is far from safe. Luckily, by simulating with […]