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COMSOL Now Blog Posts

Keynote Video: Multiphysics Simulation for Patient Safety

November 30, 2012

The second video in our COMSOL Conference Boston 2012 keynote series features Dr. Alan Leewood’s presentation on the use of multiphysics simulation for medical safety applications. The focus of this presentation is on the safety of passive conductive implants during MRI screenings.

First Keynote Video Takes Us to Babel

November 28, 2012

One of the differences between this year’s COMSOL Conference, and previous years’, is that this year we filmed a lot of it. During the next few weeks we will be publishing some of these videos for those that were there, to enjoy it once again, and for those that weren’t to get a taste of what went on. To kick these all off, I’m proud to present the first keynote video, which takes us to Babel.

Thank You for Attending the COMSOL Conference Bangalore 2012

November 16, 2012

On November 2-3 the COMSOL conference made its stop in Bangalore, India. This two-day event hosted eminent keynote speakers, user presentations, minicourses, poster sessions, and finally closed with an awards ceremony. Here’s a re-cap of the highlights of the COMSOL Conference Bangalore 2012:

Now Live: COMSOL Conference User Presentations

November 14, 2012

I know many of you have been wondering when the user presentations from this year’s COMSOL Conference would be published. Today we get to tell you that the presentation slides, papers, and posters are now available online. And as you will see, it is quite the collection too. The COMSOL Conference User Presentations are here.

Photos from the European COMSOL Conference

November 5, 2012

They say that an image is worth more than a thousand words, and I couldn’t agree more. In that vein, we’d like to show you our enthusiasm over the European COMSOL Conference held in Milan, Italy earlier in October, through a slideshow of pictures from the event. We already thanked you in advance for making this our most-registered for event of the year. Now we want to thank you again with this slideshow.

Congratulations to the COMSOL Conference Boston 2012 Paper and Poster Winners

October 10, 2012

As the conference opened in Milan today, we would like to take a moment and congratulate the COMSOL Conference Boston 2012 paper and poster winners. Three “Best Paper”, two “Best Poster”, and one “Popular Choice” awards were handed out.

COMSOL 4.3a Highlights Video — New Products and Features

October 2, 2012

Yesterday we announced the release of COMSOL Multiphysics Version 4.3a. The excitement around this release is already rising, and with good reason. Now we’d like to introduce you to the four new products and some of the major new features that are made available, via this COMSOL 4.3a Highlights video duo:

Preview: Virtual Conference Guide for Smartphones and other Web-enabled Devices

September 27, 2012

The COMSOL Conference is about to get kick-started with its first stop in Boston next week, and Milan to follow soon thereafter. Now we’re excited to announce a new feature for this year’s conference attendees: a virtual conference guide for smartphones and other web-enabled devices. The full version is yet to be released, but I was able to test-drive the app and will share it with you here on the blog.