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COMSOL Now Blog Posts

Why Participate in a Panel Discussion at the COMSOL Conference?

November 28, 2018

We talk to moderators and panelists from past COMSOL conferences to find out how the industry-specific panel discussions “add a new dimension to the conference!”

Keynote Video: Optimizing Test Connector Designs with RF Simulation

November 26, 2018

At Signal Microwave, RF simulation is used to optimize test connector designs quickly and efficiently, giving the organization a unique advantage when it comes to being a small business.

COMSOL Conference 2018 Lausanne Paper and Poster Awards

November 8, 2018

Out of the 190+ presentations at the COMSOL Conference 2018 Lausanne in Switzerland, 6 multiphysics simulation projects given Best Paper and Best Poster awards by popular vote.

Photos from the COMSOL Conference 2018 Lausanne

November 2, 2018

Here’s the photo album from the COMSOL Conference 2018 Lausanne. Try to spot an original Swiss cowbell, traditional Swiss cheese and wine, and the group of alphorn players.

Award-Winning Papers and Posters: COMSOL Conference 2018 Boston

October 17, 2018

Award-winning papers and posters from the COMSOL Conference 2018 Boston cover topics including solar-powered steam reforming, 3D-printed check valves, and cochlear implant surgery.

Photos from the COMSOL Conference 2018 Boston

October 11, 2018

Take a look at our photo album from the COMSOL Conference 2018 Boston for scenes and highlights from the 3-day event.

Introducing COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 5.4

October 3, 2018

COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.4 includes a variety of updated features and functionality as well as 2 exciting new add-on products: the Composite Materials Module and COMSOL Compiler™.

Keynote Video: Moving Beyond Simulation for Biopharma Applications

March 21, 2018

At Amgen, researchers build simulation applications for biopharmaceutical uses, such as researching biological and synthetic drugs. Learn more in this blog post featuring their keynote talk.