COMSOL Now Blog Posts

Keynote Video: Modeling the Multiphysics Behavior of Nuclear Fuel
A laboratory engineer discusses using multiphysics simulation to understand the complex and challenging behavior of nuclear fuel. Watch his presentation and get a quick summary here.

Keynote Video: Using Simulation to Develop Reliable Audio Transducers
An engineer from a loudspeaker company discusses using simulation to design a component that can handle fatigue, environmental conditions, and user wear and tear. Watch the presentation.

Award-Winning Papers and Posters: COMSOL Conference 2017 Boston
The COMSOL Conference 2017 Boston featured over 100 interesting and innovative presentations from COMSOL Multiphysics® users about their current work. 6 of these projects took home awards.

New FEM Book Offers Modeling Guidance for Biomedical Applications
Guest blogger Guigen Zhang of Clemson University discusses his new bioengineering textbook, which focuses on computational modeling for biomedical applications.

Speed Up Your Modeling with COMSOL® Software Version 5.3
COMSOL released version 5.3 of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and COMSOL Server™ in early 2017. This release focused heavily on performance improvements to both the core and add-on products.

Using the COMSOL Website Resources for Modeling and Software Help
The COMSOL website includes many helpful features and resources, including the COMSOL Blog (you’re on it right now), the Video Gallery, the Application Gallery, and more.

Introducing the #myCOMSOLtip Video Series
The #myCOMSOLtip video series includes short modeling tips and tricks from COMSOL engineers and users alike. Watch a few of the videos from the collection and learn more about them.

Keynote Video: Solving 2 Transport Process Problems with Simulation
In a keynote presentation from the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Carl Meinhart from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Numerical Design discusses simulating transport processes.