Electromagnetics Blog Posts

Optimizing Microwave Ovens with Solid-State RF Cooking
Did you know that conventional microwave ovens use the same magnetron technology that was first used in WWII? These researchers thought it was time for an upgrade…

10 Real Uses of COMSOL Multiphysics® in the Power Industry
Minimizing transformer noise, planning underground cable networks, and managing a power grid. Keep reading for more real-world examples in which simulation is used in the power industry.

Zeiss, Abbe, and the Evolution of Microscopes and Optical Research
The story of Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe involves a picturesque town in Germany, compound microscopes, and a hammer and anvil. See for yourself with a glimpse into the history of optical research.

How to Produce 3D Far-Field Plots from 2D Axisymmetric RF Models
When modeling certain resonant structures, you can get the best of both worlds: 2D axisymmetry offers efficient computations while 3D far-field plots are available for postprocessing results.

Samsung Amps Up Loudspeaker Designs with Simulation
Some organizations reach success and then shift the goal post. Take Samsung, for instance: Although they lead the market for televisions and smartphones, they set their eyes on another goal…

Engineering the Flow of Light Using Photonic Crystals
Did you know that the discovery of photonic crystals in 1980 came about because of an attempt to reduce the losses in semiconductor lasers in a specific frequency range?

Building a Magnetohydrodynamic Multiphysics Model in COMSOL®
Magnetohydrodynamic models call for fluid dynamics and electromagnetics couplings. To do so, you can set up bidirectional couplings between all physics equations or building a simplified model.

How to Use Circular Ports in the RF Module
Degeneracy in circular ports leads to uncertainty in the mode field orientation. Not so with the Circular Port Reference Axis feature, which lets you define field orientations on port boundaries.