Electromagnetics Blog Posts

Analyzing a MEMS-Based Strain Gauge Design with Simulation
MEMS-based strain gauges are helpful in both civil engineering and biomedicine. Read about a team of researchers who used the MEMS Module to analyze strain gauge designs.

Model Deforming Objects with the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method
The combined efforts of Leonhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange inspired the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, which we can use to model deforming objects.

Analyzing White Pupil Échelle Spectrographs via Ray Tracing Simulation
Astronomers use échelle spectrographs to detect far-away planets. To design a white pupil échelle spectrograph with optimized sensitivity, engineers can turn to ray tracing software.

How to Use the Beam Envelope Method for Wave Optics Simulations
In order to simulate optically large optical systems, you need to solve for Maxwell’s equations, which requires a fine mesh and a lot of computational energy. Enter the beam envelope method.

The Internet of Space Takes Off with Advanced Antenna Designs
You’ve heard of the Internet of Things, but what about the Internet of Space, which change how we share information and communicate worldwide. A key aspect of this concept: antenna designs.

Analyzing an Electrodynamic Ion Funnel with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Quadrupole mass filters and ion mobility spectrometers are used to detect explosives, study complex biological molecules, and more. Ion funnels are an important component of these devices.

How to Model Optical Anisotropic Media with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Erasmus Bartholinus first observed the optical effect of birefringence in 1669. Today, you can observe this effect with a specialized modeling approach for optical anisotropic media.

Should I Fillet the Geometry in My Electromagnetic Heating Analysis?
You want to analyze electromagnetic heating around sharp corners in your simulation. Do you round off the corners by adding a fillet? We go over cases where you should and shouldn’t do so.