RF & Microwave Engineering Blog Posts

Do Voltage and Ground Exist?
Remember how the terms “voltage” and “ground” were taught in your university electrical engineering classes? Get a precise definition (in terms of modeling computational EM problems) here.

8 Uses of COMSOL Multiphysics® in the Biomedical Industry
Read about 8 real-world examples of how engineers and researchers in the biomedical industry are using simulation to advance their innovative designs.

Designing Cavity Filters for 5G Devices with Multiphysics Modeling
From radar and microwave ovens to particle accelerators, RF cavity filters are found in a variety of different application areas. Among them: 5G devices and infrastructure.

2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize Awarded to Nader Engheta
Get an overview of the Isaac Newton Medal and Prize — and the optical physicist who won this year.

3 Examples of Modeling Transitions for Rectangular Waveguides
Waveguide to planar, coaxial to waveguide, and rectangular to elliptical: These 3 different transitions for rectangular waveguides can be modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics® and the RF Module.

Modeling Waveguides that Support Multiple Modes
2 ways you can model a waveguide that supports multiple modes: add a PML that can be used to absorb any modes, or explicitly add ports for each possible mode.

Computational Electromagnetics Modeling: Which Module to Use?
If you work with a particular electromagnetic device or application area, you might be wondering which module in the COMSOL product suite is right for you. Keep reading for a comprehensive intro.

Evanescent Component of the Nonparaxial Gaussian Beam
The evanescent component of the nonparaxial Gaussian beam background field is available as a feature in the Wave Optics and RF modules as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.5.