Porous Media Flow Blog Posts

Simulating Multiphase Flow in Porous Media with a Low Permeable Lens
Modeling phase transport helps you study the multiphase flow through a porous medium (such as groundwater through soil).

Predicting Solute Transport in Groundwater Using Simulation
In order for groundwater to be useful for irrigation and drinking, we need to understand how its various solutes move through the water. The Subsurface Flow Module includes features for this.

Computing Porosity and Permeability in Porous Media with a Submodel
Porous materials have complex geometries and may therefore be difficult to model. Setting up a microscale submodel is a useful approach to find the porosity and permeability of the medium.

How to Use the Well Feature in Subsurface Flow Models
The Well feature makes it easier to set up and mesh well geometries for subsurface flow modeling. Learn how to take advantage of this feature’s settings and capabilities.

Studying the Artificial Ground Freezing Method with Simulation
Artificial ground freezing (AGF) is a valuable process in the construction industry. Researchers from China modeled groundwater flow to optimize an artificial ground freezing (AGF) process.

Predicting Deformations in a Bank Protection Structure with Simulation
To predict how a bank protection structure within the Yangtze River in China would deform under certain conditions, a group of researchers turned to geomechanical analysis.

Which Porous Media and Subsurface Flow Interface Should I Use?
We go over a comprehensive selection of porous media and subsurface flow interfaces available to you in the COMSOL® software so that you can find the right choice for your modeling objective.

Improve the Productivity and Safety of a Perforated Well with an App
Perforated wells offer a viable approach for recovering oil and gas trapped in reservoirs. See how apps can help speed up the design process of these devices…