Equation-Based Modeling Blog Posts

Using Global Equations to Introduce Fully Coupled Goal Seeking
Learn how to introduce a goal-seeking equation, combined with a fully coupled approach, to solve a nonlinear model. (Follow-up to an earlier blog post on goal seeking with a segregated solver.)

Introducing Goal Seeking into the Segregated Solver
Did you know that you can adjust a model input to achieve a desired output in your nonlinear problems? The process involves implementing a global equation into the segregated solver.

Equation-Based Modeling with a Space-Time Discretization
In COMSOL Multiphysics®, almost any expression in a computational model can be modified. For example, using a space-time discretization can make optimization problems easy and fast to implement.

Modeling the Spread of COVID-19 with COMSOL Multiphysics®
From susceptible to exposed and infected to recovered: See how numerical modeling can help us understand the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it spreads.

How to Simulate Control Systems Using the PID Controller Add-In
A PID controller can be used in a variety of industries. This blog post demonstrates how a PID controller add-in can be easily incorporated in two simulation examples.

Defeating Giant Movie Monsters Using Mathematical Modeling
The predator-prey equation can predict how we’d fare in a monster invasion, as well as real-world biology and ecology scenarios like shark overpopulation and tumor movement.

Optimizing PID Controller Performance with COMSOL Multiphysics®
PID controllers involve three components that must work together simultaneously, and it can be challenging to get each of them just right. That’s where process control simulation comes in.

Introduction to Numerical Integration and Gauss Points
In this comprehensive blog post, we go over the theory behind numerical integration, Gaussian quadrature, Gauss points, weak contributions, and much more.