Introduction Blog Posts

COMSOL Server™ Version 5.2 Supports Faster, Focused Apps
As of version 5.2 of the COMSOL® software, there are major improvements to COMSOL Server™: launch apps much faster and configure the browser to run only one dedicated app.

Intro to Optimizing Mixer Design by Creating an App
By building a simulation app to study mixer designs, you can easily test the influence that the vessel, impeller, and operational conditions have on the design’s mixing efficiency.

What to Expect from COMSOL Multiphysics Version 5.1
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.1 introduced 20 demo apps and many new features and functionality updates to numerous products. Get an overview of what’s new here.

How to Use COMSOL Multiphysics, a Tutorial Video
New to running simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics®? Get a preview of a step-by-step tutorial video that demonstrates how to set up and solve your first model.

Introducing Nonlinear Elastic Materials
Examples of nonlinear elastic material models: Ramberg-Osgood, Duncan-Chang, Hardin-Drnevich, Power law, and more. We discuss how to apply nonlinear elastic materials in your analyses.

Introducing the Design Module
The Design Module has specialized features for advanced geometry modeling, including the ability to create fillets on 3D designs or generate shell approximations of imported geometric objects.

A Brief Introduction to the Weak Form
Whether or not you use finite element analysis and vector calculus in your daily life, you’ll appreciate this introduction to the weak form equations.

Introducing the Ray Optics Module
COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.0 introduced an add-on module for electromagnetics modeling: the Ray Optics Module. It can be used to perform ray tracing and geometrical optics studies.