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General Blog Posts

Introduction to Modeling Soap Films and Other Variational Problems

September 4, 2018

In this introduction to a 5-part series, learn how to solve variational problems using equation-based modeling, which is useful for modeling soap films, catenary cables, light beams, and more.

How Do Chladni Plates Make It Possible to Visualize Sound?

August 17, 2018

Is it possible to see sound? Find out for yourself in this blog post on the acoustics behind Chladni plates.

How to Analyze a Glacier via Gradient-Based Optimization

July 17, 2018

This post highlights a gradient-based optimization method that geophysical engineers can use to analyze, for instance, the movement and sensitivity of a glacier.

Optimizing Thermal Processes in Carbon Manufacturing with Simulation

July 5, 2018

A guest blogger from SGL Carbon GmbH demonstrates how his organization uses heat transfer simulation to optimize thermal processes in carbon manufacturing.

Your Guide to Meshing Techniques for Efficient CFD Modeling

June 13, 2018

Learn how to use a variety of meshing tools for your CFD analyses, including mapped mesh, unstructured quad mesh, triangular mesh, tetrahedral mesh, swept mesh, boundary layer mesh, and more.

How to Use the Cluster Sweep Node in COMSOL Multiphysics®

June 12, 2018

Keep your cluster admin happy by using the Cluster Sweep node in COMSOL Multiphysics® to optimize the parallelization of parametric computations on clusters.

How to Set Up a Mesh in COMSOL Multiphysics® for CFD Analyses

June 11, 2018

As a flow mechanics specialist preparing a mesh for CFD analysis, the geometry supplied by a CAD team is often exactly what you do not want. So, what do you do?

How to Create Animations Along the Azimuthal Direction for 3D Models

June 4, 2018

Here’s a useful postprocessing trick for presenting your 3D modeling results: combine slice plots along the azimuthal direction in order to generate a nontrivial animation.