General Blog Posts

The Power of the Batch Sweep
Have you ever run a large parametric sweep on your workstation overnight, only to discover the next morning that the parametric solver is still not finished? Enter the batch sweep.

Generating a Simulation Mesh of a Femur From 3D Data
You can create a simulation mesh from 3D data in COMSOL Multiphysics®. This capability comes in handy when modeling irregular shapes.

Solving the Superconductor Teaching Challenge with Apps
Superconductors can be a challenging subject to teach. Explore how a professor is addressing this problem with an open-access web server that contains simulation apps.

Performing Topology Optimization with Milling Constraints
Milling constraints for topology optimization are now available in the Optimization Module as of COMSOL® version 6.1. We share 2 examples of this new feature in action here.

Shape Optimization in Electromagnetics: Part 2
See 2 examples of how shape optimization can benefit the design of microwave and millimeter wave applications. Part 2 of a 2-part series.

Shape Optimization in Electromagnetics: Part 1
Learn how shape optimization can be used to improve the designs of wave optics applications. Part 1 of 2.

Using the Expression Operator in COMSOL Multiphysics®
What’s the difference between an expression operator and an analytic function? Find out in this blog post and see an example of an expression operator in action.

A Practical Implementation of Multiphysics Topology Optimization
A guest blogger from GN Audio A/S introduces a multiphysics topology framework developed with the COMSOL Application Programming Interface and LiveLink™ for MATLAB®.