General Blog Posts
How to Build a Parameterized Archimedean Spiral Geometry
Learn how to build a parameterized geometry of an Archimedean spiral by using analytic equations and their derivatives to define a set of spiral curves.
University of Buffalo Fosters Industrial Innovation with Apps
Take a look at how a team from the University of Buffalo designed multiphysics models and simulation apps to spread modeling expertise to a broader range of industries.
How to Dynamically Modify Geometries in Simulation Apps
We demonstrate how to use the Method Editor to create an app for: 1.) dynamically creating and modifying geometry parts and 2.) applying appropriate physical specifications and mesh.
Enhance Your Visualization Plots with 6 New Color Tables
We go over 6 new color tables for visualizing modeling results: Twilight, Aurora Australis, Aurora Borealis, Jupiter Aurora Borealis, Heat Camera, and Heat Camera Light.
An Introduction to Gear Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics
Automobiles, electric motors, wind turbines, and other machines all require gearboxes in order to change speed or torque. Get an intro to modeling gears in COMSOL Multiphysics® in this post.
Efficiently Analyze Civil Engineering Designs Using an App
The Truss Bridge Designer demo app is just one example of what’s possible when you build a simulation app for analyzing civil engineering structures.
Modify the COMSOL Server™ Web Interface to Reflect Your Branding
Did you know that you can customize the web interface of COMSOL Server™ to reflect your organization’s branding? We go over some of the features and functionality here…
How to Implement a Delay in Your Thermostat Simulation
When simulating a thermostat in COMSOL Multiphysics®, you can implement a delay for short-cycling in addition to the on and off setpoints. See how here.