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CAD Import & LiveLink Products for CAD Blog Posts

Modeling an Acoustic Trap: Thermoacoustic Streaming and Particle Tracing

August 7, 2024

Acoustic traps are used in a range of biomedical applications for manipulating cells and particles. See how an acoustic trap can be simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics® here.

Preconditioning of Surface-Mount Devices for Reliability Testing

May 20, 2024

Explore how modeling and simulation can be used to analyze the thermal stress and hygroscopic swelling of a surface-mount device through the 3 preconditioning stages.

Validating Transonic Flow Results with the ONERA-M6 Wing Model

March 30, 2023

When using simulation software, your models’ results should accurately reflect the real-world phenomena you are simulating. 1 way to check this is by using a validation model.

Combining Volumetric Conductor Models and Lumped Elements

February 27, 2023

With the AC/DC Module, it is possible to connect a full-fidelity volumetric conductor model to a lumped circuit element model. Learn how here.

Offline Synchronization for the LiveLink™ for CAD Products

May 31, 2022

As of version 6.0, you can synchronize files between COMSOL Multiphysics® and a CAD software when they are installed on different computers.

FDA Benchmark: CFD Modeling of a Centrifugal Blood Pump

April 22, 2022

CFD modeling is increasingly being used in medical device development to analyze device safety and effectiveness, accelerate the development cycle, and reduce costs. See 1 example here.

How to Compute the Projected Area of a CAD File in COMSOL®

January 20, 2022

Learn about three approaches to computing the projected area of a CAD file and when to use each one.

Simulating the Pressure in an Ultrahigh Vacuum System

August 19, 2021

The ETpathfinder research facility in the Netherlands was built in anticipation of the proposed Einstein Telescope (ET), a third-generation observatory of gravitational waves.

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