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CAD Import & LiveLink Products for CAD Blog Posts

Bringing Multiphysics into Architecture

January 7, 2015

From the Sydney Opera House in Australia to the Vdara® hotel in Las Vegas, we discuss the potential applications of simulation for architectural development and introduce LiveLink™ for Revit®.

Fillet Away Your Electromagnetic Field Singularities

December 18, 2014

Did you know that you can use fillets and chamfers in your electromagnetics models to avoid electromagnetic field singularities? Learn how in this tutorial blog post.

Introducing the Design Module

December 15, 2014

The Design Module has specialized features for advanced geometry modeling, including the ability to create fillets on 3D designs or generate shell approximations of imported geometric objects.

Using Virtual Operations to Simplify Your Geometry

November 28, 2014

CAD geometry: A set of data structures that provide a very precise method for describing the shapes of parts (called boundary representation, or B-rep).

Working with Imported CAD Designs

November 20, 2014

The CAD Import Module, Design Module, and LiveLink™ products go beyond the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics® with CAD tools for repairing and preparing a geometry for simulation.

Improving Atmosphere Revitalization for Manned Spacecraft

July 15, 2014

NASA researchers developed an atmosphere revitalization approach that relies on water adsorption. The team used COMSOL Multiphysics® to model the gas flow and water concentrations in the device.

Modeling Convective Cooling of Electrical Devices

June 23, 2014

We developed a model that includes all of the important details of thermal management in a high-power electrical device. To do so, we needed to use high performance computing with hybrid modeling.

Parameter Optimization with the LiveLink™ Products

May 29, 2014

Did you know that the LiveLink™ interfacing products in the COMSOL Product Suite can be used to perform a parameter optimization study of your model? Keep reading for more info…