Interfacing Blog Posts

Working with Imported CAD Designs
The CAD Import Module, Design Module, and LiveLink™ products go beyond the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics® with CAD tools for repairing and preparing a geometry for simulation.

Improving the Beer Brewing Process with Simulation
Which side of home beer brewing are you more interested in: The culinary side, like the recipes and ingredients, or the engineering one, like the conjugate heat transfer and chemical reactions?

A Strategy for Designing Corrosion-Resistant Materials
Engineers at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., turned to multiphysics simulation to better understand the fundamental mechanisms behind corrosion damage. Get the full story >>

Just Published: Paper on Modeling Spinal Column Stimulation
To determine the effect of scar tissue on electrical current distribution during the treatment of chronic pain, researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess modeled the spinal cord stimulation process.

Improving Atmosphere Revitalization for Manned Spacecraft
NASA researchers developed an atmosphere revitalization approach that relies on water adsorption. The team used COMSOL Multiphysics® to model the gas flow and water concentrations in the device.

Automatically Handling Selections in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Part 3 of a blog series on how to handle selections and entity numbers with LiveLink™ for MATLAB® and the COMSOL® API. In this post, we show you how to handle selections and entity numbers.

Modeling Convective Cooling of Electrical Devices
We developed a model that includes all of the important details of thermal management in a high-power electrical device. To do so, we needed to use high performance computing with hybrid modeling.

How to Manually Work with Entity Numbers in Selections
You can automate the handling of the entity numbers used to set up properties for the domain and boundaries in an MPH-file. How? Using LiveLink™ for MATLAB®. Learn more >>