Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts
Applying and Interpreting Saint-Venant’s Principle
Saint-Venant’s principle is found in most structural engineering textbooks, but what is its exact meaning? We go over its history, definition, and relevance to mechanical analyses.
Analyzing a MEMS-Based Strain Gauge Design with Simulation
MEMS-based strain gauges are helpful in both civil engineering and biomedicine. Read about a team of researchers who used the MEMS Module to analyze strain gauge designs.
Model Deforming Objects with the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method
The combined efforts of Leonhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange inspired the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, which we can use to model deforming objects.
Analyzing the Mechanical Behavior of Cells for Biological Applications
Finite element modeling can be used to analyze the mechanical behavior of biological cells. Guest blogger Björn Fallqvist of Lightness by Design sheds light on this bioengineering topic.
How to Model Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Water Balloon
They’re not just for playing games in the backyard: Water balloons are also an example of fluid–structure interaction in a nonlinear elastic material. Learn how to model this effect…
Analyzing Magnetic Flowmeters for Blood Flow Measurement
Biomedical researchers used multiphysics modeling in order to understand how blood vessel movement influences the sensitivity of their flow meter designs. Get the full story here.
How to Use Dispersion Curves to Analyze Fluid-Filled Pipes
Modeling a fluid-filled pipe is both a time-consuming and computationally expensive process, but there’s a way to streamline the process: a guided wave propagation approach via dispersion curves.
Have You Heard About the Cocktail Party Problem?
You’re at a party with loud music and a ton of people. Despite the noise, you are able to chat with a friend. How is it that you can differentiate his or her voice from all the sounds around you?