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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Understand Phenomena in the Viscous Catenary Problem via Simulation

March 22, 2017

The viscous catenary problem is theoretically and experimentally significant in many industries due to the complex phenomena it entails. Simulation can help us understand this problem.

Analyzing Hearing Aid Receivers with Lumped-Parameter Modeling

March 17, 2017

Modeling complete hearing aid systems is extremely computationally expensive. Enter lumped-parameter modeling, which enables you to couple a system component to a test setup for validation.

Simulating the Electrothermal Transients in Superconducting Magnets

March 9, 2017

In order to design superconducting magnets for a particle accelerator, such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, researchers need to simulate and optimize their electrothermal transients.

Analyzing Utility Boiler Designs by Simulating Radiative Heat Transfer

March 6, 2017

To study a utility boiler furnace, you need to account for the effects of radiation, which is difficult to solve for analytically and study experimentally. That’s where simulation comes in.

Comparing Hydrodynamic Bearings with Rotordynamics Analyses

March 1, 2017

Compare the load capacities for different types of hydrodynamic bearings and determine which is best suited for your area of study by using the Rotordynamics Module.

How to Analyze Beam Sections Using the Beam Section Calculator

February 28, 2017

Simulation applications can be used as utility tools to compute the properties and parameters of a component or device. In this example, the application analyzes beam section geometries.

Analyzing Novel Roof Tile Designs with Multiphysics Simulation

February 23, 2017

To investigate a novel design for roof tiles that can keep buildings cool in hot climates, called Life HEROTILE Project, a research group from Italy turned to multiphysics simulation.

Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method to Model Linear Ultrasound

January 26, 2017

You can easily model acoustically large problems, like linear ultrasound, with a predefined physics interface that uses a memory-efficient approach called the discontinuous Galerkin method.