Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

The Physics of a Hopping Hoop
Have you heard of the hopping hoop? This problem has interested the minds of researchers and engineers for the last half-century. Let’s see how modeling can provide insight into this age-old case.

Modeling Room Acoustics Using a Hybrid Approach
Explore a hybrid approach that combines ray-tracing and finite element methods for modeling room acoustics.

The Intriguing Stresses in Pipe Bends
Explore beam theory, the classical beam equations, and the various features in COMSOL Multiphysics for analyzing complex piping systems.

New Functionality for Buckling Analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics®
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.1 introduces functionality for handling a combination of fixed and varying loads in a buckling analysis. Get the details here.

A Practical Implementation of Multiphysics Topology Optimization
A guest blogger from GN Audio A/S introduces a multiphysics topology framework developed with the COMSOL Application Programming Interface and LiveLink™ for MATLAB®.

Computing Transient Sound Pressure Levels in COMSOL®
Sound pressure level metrics are important to know when trying to make results from a transient simulation easier to interpret on a logarithmic scale. Learn how to compute 3 of these metrics here.

The Octave Band Plot for Acoustics Simulation
The Octave Band plot provides an easy and flexible way to represent any frequency response, transfer function, sensitivity curve, transmission loss, or insertion loss in your acoustics analyses.

How to Use the New Spatial FFT Feature for Applications in Optics
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.0 includes the new Spatial FFT feature. Learn how this feature can be used in applications in optics here.