Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Improving the Beer Brewing Process with Simulation
Which side of home beer brewing are you more interested in: The culinary side, like the recipes and ingredients, or the engineering one, like the conjugate heat transfer and chemical reactions?

Video Tutorial: Introduction to Modeling Structural Mechanics
Learn the fundamentals of simulating structural mechanics problems in the COMSOL® software: Get a quick overview in this blog post, with an embedded video tutorial included.

Using Effective Mass for Thermomechanical Calibration
Researchers from the University of Alberta use simulation for an efficient and noninvasive way to achieve thermomechanical calibration. Learn more about their research and its applications.

Thermal Contact Resistance Simulation
When 2 materials are in direct contact, thermal conductivity is determined by their properties, but surface roughness introduces air-filled gaps between the materials. How do you model this?

Modeling a Coil Heat Exchanger
Coil heat exchangers are simple and easy to manufacture — but what about modeling them? Adding expressions to compute the temperature drop between coil turns simplifies the modeling process.

Reducing Vibrations with Viscoelastic Structural Dampers
Whether caused by an earthquake or everyday wind, when a structure undergoes vibrations, its components experience stresses and strains. Viscoelastic structural dampers can help >>

Phase Change: Cooling and Solidification of Metal
Phase change: A transformation of material from one state of matter to another due to a change in temperature. Learn how to model phase change in a continuous casting process.

Simulating Wear in COMSOL Multiphysics
A guest blogger from Veryst Engineering, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, shares how he implemented a wear model in COMSOL Multiphysics® and validated it by simulating a pin-on-disc wear test.