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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Micromagnetic Simulation with COMSOL Multiphysics®

September 24, 2021

A guest blogger from Fudan University in China used the Physics Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics to create a “Micromagnetics Module” for performing micromagnetic simulations.

Fore! Analyzing the Performance of a Golf Ball with Simulation

August 25, 2021

Did you know that golf balls were originally made out of wood? We discuss the evolution of the golf ball and how simulation can be used to analyze modern golf ball designs.

The History and Science Behind Vinyl Records

August 17, 2021

As vinyl records explode in popularity, we take a look back at the history of records, as well as the interesting science behind how they are produced — and how they play music.

Fully Coupled Hydromechanical Modeling of Fractured Media

July 1, 2021

Dr. Qinghua Lei of ETH Zürich demonstrates a novel method for modeling fully coupled hydromechanical processes in fractured media with 2 examples: fluid injection and underground excavation.

3 Examples of Optimizing Loudspeaker Components

June 3, 2021

Whether in a home theater system, gym, or massive concert venue, loudspeakers need to perform optimally. 1 way to do so is by performing a shape or topology optimization study of its components.

Simulating Wind Load on a Sports Car’s Side Door and Mirror

May 27, 2021

Vroom vroom: In this blog post, we use large eddy simulation (LES) and structural analysis to analyze wind loads and airflow on the door and side mirror of a sports car driving at high speeds.

What Is the Difference Between Plane Stress and Plane Strain?

May 20, 2021

We go over the formulations and constitutive models that you can use to study plane stress, plane strain, and generalized plane strain in your solid mechanics problems.

Building a Solid Foundation for Understanding Seismic Waves

April 22, 2021

In 1906, there was the California earthquake. In 1908, there was the Lawson Report. In 1910, Harry Fielding Reid proposed the elastic rebound theory. Continue on a deep dive into seismology…