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Structural Mechanics Blog Posts

The Importance of Thermal Radiation in Your Models

August 23, 2019

Conduction and convection tend to get more attention from simulation engineers, but radiation plays an important role as well. Learn how (and why) to account for thermal radiation in your models.

Optimizing Lubricated Systems with Numerical Simulation

July 11, 2019

Experts at SIMTEC designed a lubricated mechanical contact using numerical modeling and built an application for optimizing the use of lubrication in rolling and sliding bearings.

Predicting the Unpredictable: Simulating Earthquake Mechanics

July 5, 2019

In case of an earthquake, people regularly practice hiding under their desks. Another way to prepare? Using response spectrum analysis to determine the structural stability of a building subject to this type of seismic event.

Analyzing Vibrations in Rotating Machinery Due to Bearing Misalignment

June 25, 2019

You can use structural analysis to compare the angular velocity, axial displacement, and bearing reaction moment on the shaft for rotating machinery with aligned and misaligned bearings.

Introduction to Modeling Acoustic-Structure Interactions in COMSOL®

June 12, 2019

To model an ASI problem, you need to account for the behavior of elastic waves in solids, pressure waves in fluids, and their interaction. The COMSOL® software includes interfaces for doing so.

Frequency Response of Mechanical Systems

June 5, 2019

Read this blog post for a detailed look at damped mechanical systems, a guide to setting up frequency-response analyses in COMSOL®, and a discussion of how to interpret your results.

How to Use Lumped Elements to Model a Mechanical System

May 29, 2019

Modeling a large, complex system? You may want to simplify configurations in the model setup to better understand it, but how? Enter the Lumped Mechanical System interface in COMSOL Multiphysics.

Analyzing Slope Stability Through the Shear Strength Reduction Method

May 28, 2019

Dams that are poorly designed or constructed are likely to fail. However, geotechnical engineers can account for the stability and reliability of a dam long before the structure is even built.