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Today in Science Blog Posts

The Science Behind Stained Glass

February 6, 2015

From the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows in Chicago to the Mapparium at The Mary Eddy Baker Library in Boston, we go over the history behind stunning stained glass windows.

Happy Birthday, André-Marie Ampère

January 20, 2015

André-Marie Ampère is recognized today as a founder of electrodynamics. Learn about the life and accomplishments of this French physicist and mathematician.

From Books to Technology: Pop-Up Fabrication Techniques

January 19, 2015

Fabricated “pop up” books aren’t just for kids: Researchers are using the same fabrication techniques to turn 2D micro- and nanostructures into extended 3D layouts.

Personal Thermal Management with Highly Insulating Clothing

January 13, 2015

Brr! Stanford University research suggests that by wearing highly insulating clothing, we can reduce or even eliminate the need for traditional heating systems! Read more >>

Meet the Winners of Intel’s Make it Wearable Challenge

November 7, 2014

The winner of Intel’s inaugural Make it Wearable contest in 2014 was Nixie — a small drone that you can wear on your wrist and use to take photos and videos. Learn more about it here.

Avoiding Figure Skating Joint Stress with Measuring Device

October 30, 2014

Figure skating causes a lot of stress on joints. To help with this issue, researchers are looking into the design of “smart” blades for figure skates that can measure exerted force.

Nanodiamonds Shine Brightly in Biomedical Research

October 28, 2014

A nanodiamond might not be ideal for an engagement ring, but these microscopic particles show a potential role in observing and analyzing cell processes. Learn more >>

The Mystery Behind the Earth’s Magnetic Field Flip

October 20, 2014

Earth’s magnetic field typically remains stable. However, studies have shown that throughout history, geomagnetic reversals have occurred — irregular intervals when Earth’s magnetic field flips.