Today in Science Blog Posts

Happy Birthday, Friedrich Paschen
Friedrich Paschen dedicated his life to experimentation. Today, we use Paschen’s law to understand how electric current flows through gas.

2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize Awarded to Nader Engheta
Get an overview of the Isaac Newton Medal and Prize — and the optical physicist who won this year.

5 W’s for 200 Years of Electromagnetism
Fun fact: Hans Christian Ørsted originally studied pharmacology and philosophy before he went on to discover the connection between electricity and magnetism.

Modeling Droplet Flow in an Open Space with COMSOL Multiphysics®
If you are jogging six feet apart from someone else, should you both be wearing masks? Simulation was used to analyze the motion of particles between two runners in an open space to find answers.

Happy Birthday, Marie Van Brittan Brown
Today, home security is a billion dollar industry that relies on smart devices. However, it all started with a nurse who wanted to feel safer in her home in Queens, New York.

Happy Birthday, Henry Cavendish
Did you know that the element hydrogen was originally called “inflammable air” upon its discovery by Henry Cavendish because of how easily it burns? Learn more about the chemist and physicist…

How Does This Lip Gloss Appear to Defy Gravity?
We attempt to explain a mysterious, gravity-defying phenomenon involving a viral video, dielectric materials, electrostatics, and lip gloss.

Optimizing an NIV Mask Design with Multiphysics Simulation
NIV masks offer a form of noninvasive monitoring and ventilation for COVID-19 patients, which lessens the need for ventilators and other mechanical respirators.