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Analyzing Hearing Aid Receivers with Lumped-Parameter Modeling

March 17, 2017

Modeling complete hearing aid systems is extremely computationally expensive. Enter lumped-parameter modeling, which enables you to couple a system component to a test setup for validation.

Building COMSOL Multiphysics Models with Excel® and Visual Basic®

March 15, 2017

Say you want to base your model on data kept in the Excel® spreadsheet software. Using LiveLink™ for Excel®, you can interface between the spreadsheet and the COMSOL Multiphysics® software.

Model Electrodes with Nonideal Connectivity in Corrosion Analyses

March 14, 2017

Learn the appropriate boundary conditions for performing a corrosion analysis in which an electrode is connected to an external short circuit.

Designing CSRR-Based Sensors to Monitor Chronic Kidney Disease

March 13, 2017

Chronic kidney disease can be effectively diagnosed, prevented, and treated through the use of noninvasive CSRR-based sensors. Researchers optimized the design of these sensors with simulation.

Analyzing Reverse Electrodialysis Units with Multiphysics Modeling

March 10, 2017

Pass the salt…for a clean energy solution. Salinity gradient power relies on osmosis between fresh- and saltwater to generate power, and simulation can help analyze and optimize such systems.

Simulating the Electrothermal Transients in Superconducting Magnets

March 9, 2017

In order to design superconducting magnets for a particle accelerator, such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, researchers need to simulate and optimize their electrothermal transients.

How to Analyze Thermoelectric Cooler Designs with a COMSOL App

March 8, 2017

A simulation application, such as one for a thermoelectric cooler design, can be used to test a variety of parameters in order to optimize a device for a specific use.

Analyzing Utility Boiler Designs by Simulating Radiative Heat Transfer

March 6, 2017

To study a utility boiler furnace, you need to account for the effects of radiation, which is difficult to solve for analytically and study experimentally. That’s where simulation comes in.