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Improved Capabilities for Meshing with Tetrahedral Elements
In this blog post, we guide you through the process of generating a tetrahedral mesh for your COMSOL Multiphysics® models.
Reduce the Fan Noise of a Turbofan Aeroengine with Simulation
Noisy turbofan engines are often used to power commercial airplanes. You can reduce their noise pollution with the help of acoustics modeling…
Sampling from Phase Space Distributions in 3D Charged Particle Beams
Learn how to sample the initial positions and velocities of 3D beam particles from the transverse phase space distribution. Part 3 of a series on modeling charged particle beams.
Understanding the Paraxial Gaussian Beam Formula
The paraxial Gaussian beam formula can be used to describe the Gaussian beam. We go over the theory behind this mathematical formula, as well as its limitations.
Efficiently Assign Materials in Your COMSOL Multiphysics® Model
Here, we go over 3 methods for efficiently assigning materials in your COMSOL Multiphysics® models. The included tutorial videos show step-by-step instructions for each related feature.
Phase Space Distributions and Emittance in 2D Charged Particle Beams
We discuss the concepts of phase space and emittance as they apply to the release of ions or electrons in beams. Part 2 of a series on phase space distributions in beam physics.
Sampling Random Numbers from Probability Distribution Functions
Get a comprehensive background on probability distribution functions and the different ways you can sample random numbers from them in COMSOL Multiphysics®. Part 1 of a series on beam physics.
Improved Functionality and Tips for Importing STL and NASTRAN® Files
Learn how to import STL files originating from 3D scan sources and meshes in the NASTRAN® file format, as well as how to prepare them for analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics®.