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Calculating the Emission Spectra from Common Light Sources
We use COMSOL Multiphysics® to calculate the emission spectra of 4 common light sources: natural daylight, incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs, and LED bulbs.

Optimize NACA Airfoil Designs with a Simulation App
You can design a simulation app to accurately compute lift and drag forces and optimize any airfoil following the NACA naming convention. Learn more and see an example demo app.

Analyze Thin Structures Using Up and Down Operators
Modeling complex geometries with thin structures can be very costly in terms of computational effort. Up and down operators are a way to efficiently and accurately compute these models.

Explaining the Pepper’s Ghost Illusion with Ray Optics
Pepper’s Ghost, the famous optical illusion used in theater and “hologram” concert performances, can be explained using ray optics. Learn more and see our homemade Pepper’s Ghost projector.

Model Magnetic Materials in the Frequency Domain with an App
Easily convert B-H or H-B curves into effective B-H or H-B curves using the Effective Nonlinear Magnetic Curves Calculator simulation app.

Analyze Solar Food Dryer Designs with Heat Transfer Modeling
You can use heat transfer simulation to analyze solar food dryer designs and identify optimal building materials, including phase-change materials, which conserve the solar heat.

Using the Application Builder to Create a Koch Snowflake
The Koch snowflake is a well-known fractal, notable due to its simple, iterative construction process. Learn how to easily build this shape with the Application Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Studying the Swimming Patterns of Fish with Simulation
Researchers from the Università Roma Tre used simulation to study the carangiform swimming pattern of certain fish, the dynamics of which can be used to design aquatic vehicles and robots.