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Studying Salt Damage to the World’s Crumbling Buildings

August 20, 2015

We sometimes hear of tourists getting into trouble for carving their initials into the walls of the Coliseum in Rome and other famous structures. However, the more serious damage to this architecture is caused by something else entirely — salt. Transported by wind and water droplets, and even found in some building materials, salt is a powerful mineral that can cause a building’s façade to crumble and break. Researchers studied this effect to better predict salt’s behavior and prevent damage.

Analyzing Mutual Inductance in Different Coil Arrangements

August 19, 2015

Mutual inductance measures the amount of change required for a current flowing through one circuit to create a current in a nearby circuit. Simulation can be used to compute mutual inductance.

How to Build an App from a COMSOL Multiphysics® Model

August 18, 2015

Get a brief intro to building a simulation app from a COMSOL Multiphysics® model using the Application Builder. Includes a 10-minute step-by-step tutorial video.

Simulating a MEMS-Based Pressure Sensor Inspired by a Cave Fish

August 17, 2015

Oceanic inspiration: Researchers from the PSG College of Technology in India used numerical simulation to investigate a pressure sensor design inspired by the blind Mexican cave fish.

App: Measuring the Diffraction Efficiency of a Wire Grating

August 13, 2015

We go over the features of the Plasmonic Wire Grating Analyzer demo app, which you can use as inspiration to build your own apps for more efficient wave optics and photonics simulation.

Happy Birthday, Erwin Schrödinger

August 12, 2015

We discuss the life and work of the legendary physicist behind Schrödinger’s cat, the Schrödinger equation, and more: Erwin Schrödinger.

Using General Extrusion Operators to Model Periodic Structures

August 11, 2015

If your multiphysics model includes a periodic solution to one physics and nonperiodic solutions to other physics of interest, you can exploit the periodicity to reduce computational requirements!

NREL Enhances Biofuel Conversion Processes with Simulation

August 10, 2015

In an attempt to make biofuel conversion more efficient and cost effective, researchers at NREL used simulation to study and optimize such processes. Get the full story >>