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Optimizing Heat Sink Designs with a Simulation App
The Heat Sink with Fins demo app is here to get you started with designing your own heat sink design app. Take a look at the design scenario, app, and underlying model here.

Singularities in Finite Element Models: Dealing with Red Spots
Seeing red? Explore common causes of singularities in your finite element models, as well as when and how to remove them and how to interpret your simulation results.

Happy Birthday, Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
Known as the “father of thermodynamics”, Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot developed a theoretical thermodynamic cycle and laid the groundwork for the second law of thermodynamics.

Using a Simulation App to Evaluate Fatigue Life in a Frame
The Frame Fatigue Life demo app is an example of how simulation apps can save you time and energy in evaluating the impact of fatigue on a structure. Take a look here >>

Modeling of Materials in Wave Electromagnetics Problems
Get an introduction to the various material models that are relevant to modeling wave electromagnetics problems in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Modeling an Inductive Position Sensor
A researcher from Lemfoerder Electronic GmbH in Germany used simulation to design an inductive position sensor for automotive applications. Get details here.

Simulating UHV/CVD and Silicon Growth on a Wafer Substrate
Ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition (UHV/CVD) is performed at pressures below 10-6 Pa, or about 10-8 torr. In this process, molecular flow is used to achieve gas transport.

App: Improving the Payload Capacity of a Truck-Mounted Crane
Manufacturers and engineers looking to optimize the payload, or carrying, capacity of a truck-mounted crane can easily test parameters with a simulation app. Take a look at our demo app example.